The National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) is a collegial body of highly-trained scientists, technologists, engineers, and researchers across all fields of sciences, technology, arts and humanities, and social sciences. NRCP is an attached agency of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) that is mandated in the promotion and support of basic or fundamental research for the continuous improvement of the research capabilities of individual or group of scientists. It fosters linkages with domestic and international scientific organizations; provides advisory services on issues related to the national interest; and promotes scientific and technological culture to all sectors of the society.
There are five (5) NEUST faculty who have been approved as new Associate Members of the NRCP. It took a lot of efforts for them before they turned out to be official Associate Members of said organization. They are as follows:
• Dr. Jean Guillasper = Dean of the College of Nursing
• Mr. Darwin Reyes = CAS Faculty
• Mr. Allen Paul Esteban = GS Faculty
• Mrs. Danilet Mendoza = CAS Faculty/Chair, ChESD
• Mrs. Krystel Padilla = CAS Faculty