In support of the 2021 CHED National ASEAN celebration with its theme “PADYAK Moving Forward, Claiming Victory for Philippine Higher Education in ASEAN Community”, the Commission on Higher Education launched virtual regional competitions for higher education institutions in Region III.
One of the competitions was the “PAGITAn Regional Competition where the HEIs actively participated by submitting entries under the following categories:
Niche Building
Internationalization Capacity Building
Institutionalization of the Internationalization Program (Wider Community Engagement)
Among the three categories, the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology was proclaimed as the winner on “Internationalization Capacity Building” with its entry title “Linkages Around the World Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic (LAWAC).
This pursuit was well facilitated thru the collaborative efforts of the Office of International and Domestic Institutional Linkages headed by Atty. Eric G. Claudio with the College of Education under the deanship of Dr. Angelica Cortez; the College of Information and Communication Technology supervised by Dr. Arnold Dela Cruz; and the College of Management, Business, and Technology under the leadership of Dr. Marilou Puno.
Other competition joined by the University was the “Search for Ms. MX ASEAN 2021” represented by Ms. Christian Florence Dumlao from the College of Engineering.
Congratulations to our dearly loved University! Great job!

Another great achievement was received by the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology as it passed the ISO Re-certification which was held on October 18, 19, 20, 25, and 26, 2021. During these dates, all the University’s offices became so busy preparing for the documents needed and the deans and directors, faculty, and staff became occupied, especially during the interviews conducted by the External Auditors, Mr. Shahid Mustaq and Mr. Waseem Khan from ACS W3 Solutionz.
The ISO Re-certification Auditing aimed at ensuring that the findings raised during the stage 1 audit have been satisfactorily addressed and ensuring adequacy with the relevant requirements of the Standard involved; assessing the effectiveness of the management’s demonstration of leadership with respect to the management system’s integration into normal business activities conforming to the requirements of the management system throughout the organization; assessing the extent and effectiveness of implementation of the management system in all areas, activities, and functions of the organization; assessing the appropriateness of the defined objectives and the apparent adequacy of the documented plans for how such objectives be achieved; assessing the processes of the management system that are intended to ensure the continual review and improvement of the management system itself and evaluate its effectiveness in the future; assessing the overall level of conformance of the management system with the requirements of the relevant standard.
The 5-day ISO Re-certification Audit was made possible thru the combined efforts of the three Vice Presidents, Dr. Honorato P. Panahon (Executive Vice President), Dr. Rhodora R. Jugo (VPAA), and Dr. Rachael R. Moralde (VPRET); Deans and Directors of the different colleges and campuses; Unit Heads; and the ISO Team headed by Dr. Analyn Gamit (Director, Quality Assurance / QMR); Mr. Angelo R. Santos (ISO, Unit Head / University Document Control Officer); with the guidance and supervision of the small but mighty University President, Dr. Feliciana P. Jacoba.
Congratulations to our DEAREST UNIVERISTY on this MILESTONE! Congrats ISO Team! Well done!

Congratulations to our new ARCHITECTS who TOPPED the PRC Board Examination last August 2021. You have made the whole NEUST community so proud of your ACHIEVEMENT! Well done!

Heartfelt Congratulations to DR. ARNEIL G. GABRIEL for being one of the recipients of the “Dangal ng Bayan Award”, given during the 121st Philippine Civil Service Anniversary Celebration! That is truly above and beyond! We are so proud of you!

On June 18, 2021, the 6th Central Luzon Health Research Forum was virtually carried out. One of the important activities held was the “Oral Research Presentation (Professional Category). Out of the six group participants, the Nueva University of Science and Technology clinched the 1st and the 3rd places. Winners are as follows:
Title of Research:
In Silico Study of Ayupana Triplinervis Bioactive Compounds Against Quorum-Sensing System of Pseodomonas Aeruginosa
King Dave Martin, Krystel Grace V. Padilla, and Ivy Joyce A, Buan
Title of Research:
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on Health Consequences Related to High Heat Index among the Outdoor Workers in Cabanatuan City (Funded by the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development)
Jean N. Guillasper (Project Leader), Zuzette B. Catabona (Asst. Project leader and presenter) members: June Christian G. Reguyal (CON Faculty), Almon M. Alegado (CAS Faculty) Juanito C. Leabres (WUP), Victorino B. Molina (UP Manila), and Erlinda C. Palaganas (UP Baguio)
(COLLEGE OF NURSING in collaboration with WUP, UP Manila, and UP Baguio)
Congratulations to all the WINNERS!
Keep up the great work!

The “Ulirang Guro sa Filipino is a recognition given to the Faculty member who does extremely well in the field of teaching the Filipino subject with commitment and dedication. The awarding ceremony of the “Ulirang Guro sa Filipino 2021” was held on October 4, 2021 with its theme: “Gurong Filipino, Katuwang sa Hamon, Kasama sa pagbangon”. One of the recipients of the said award was DR. MA. R. LOURDES R. QUIJANO, the Director of the Literary, Culture, and the Arts Development Center of the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology.
This award was given to the faculty members who exhibited the following criteria:
Teachers who made significant contributions to regional and national linguistic or cultural research;
Teachers who contributed to the dissemination and promotion of the teaching of the Filipino language or indigenous languages and cultures in the field of educating the community through publications, seminars, trainings, workshops, and other similar activities; and
Teachers who showed appreciation of the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Philippines along with the promotion and development of the Filipino language.
Five Faculty members were bestowed of said distinctive award from different colleges and universities.
With this achievement, a WARM CONGRATULATIONS to you, DR. QUIJANO! Job well done!

During the 34th Virtual AACCUP Annual National Conference on March 12, 2021, the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology was awarded as one of the Top Performing Universities in the Philippines in terms of the number of Level I and Level III accredited programs in 2020. Below were the awards received:
Congratulations to our beloved University!!!
It’s true that “ALONE we can do so little; TOGETHER we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Based on the Ranking Web or Webometric, an academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions, the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology ranked 21st among the 289 Colleges and Universities in the Philippines. It was published by the Cybermetrics Lab (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC). The ranking aims to provide multidimensional and updated information about the performance of the universities from all over the world based on their web presence and impact.
Congratulations to our beloved University!

On November 25, 2020, the Freedom of Information held its 1st virtual FOI Awarding ceremony. Out of the hundred SUCs nominated in the 2020 FOI awards, there were only three universities that were acknowledged and given special recognition: the University of the Philippines, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, and the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology headed by its president, Dr. Feliciana P. Jacoba. These three universities were awarded as FOI Champions.
The basis in the selection was the excellent performance in the implementation of the Freedom of Information, being part of the University’s daily operation in terms of the clientele’s request for information; consistency of early compliance relative to the PBB requirements; early submission of the other requirements asked by the FOI management office; and constant coordination with the FOI Management Office for some queries and update on FOI matters.
The people behind the NEUST FOI are Dr. Sarah Alvarez (Planning and Development Office Director); Dr. Arceli Millan (University Publication and Media Affairs Office Head and FOI Focal Person/Receiving Officer); and Engr. Christopher Ladignon (University Record Office Head and FOI Decision Maker).
Kudos to our beloved University! Long live NEUST!