In support of the 2021 CHED National ASEAN celebration with its theme “PADYAK Moving Forward, Claiming Victory for Philippine Higher Education in ASEAN Community”, the Commission on Higher Education launched virtual regional competitions for higher education institutions in Region III.
One of the competitions was the “PAGITAn Regional Competition where the HEIs actively participated by submitting entries under the following categories:
Niche Building
Internationalization Capacity Building
Institutionalization of the Internationalization Program (Wider Community Engagement)
Among the three categories, the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology was proclaimed as the winner on “Internationalization Capacity Building” with its entry title “Linkages Around the World Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic (LAWAC).
This pursuit was well facilitated thru the collaborative efforts of the Office of International and Domestic Institutional Linkages headed by Atty. Eric G. Claudio with the College of Education under the deanship of Dr. Angelica Cortez; the College of Information and Communication Technology supervised by Dr. Arnold Dela Cruz; and the College of Management, Business, and Technology under the leadership of Dr. Marilou Puno.
Other competition joined by the University was the “Search for Ms. MX ASEAN 2021” represented by Ms. Christian Florence Dumlao from the College of Engineering.
Congratulations to our dearly loved University! Great job!