The second day of the Institutional Accreditation brought optimism to the NEUST community based on the results of the initial evaluation and validation made by the accreditors headed by their team coordinator and consultant, Dr. Milabel E. Ho.
On the third day, dated September 21, 2022, the accreditors continued to evaluate and validate all the documents prepared by the NEUST IA Task Force. As their first activity for the day, an online meeting was held from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. The meeting was intended for Areas IV and V (Research and Extension) with the University President, Dr. Feliciana P. Jacoba; the VPRET, Dr. Rachael R. Moralde; the Research Director, Prof. Marilene Hipolito; the Extension Director, Dr. Marivic Villegas; and the RET Chairs of each college along with the Secretary and Member of the AACCUP Board of Trustees, Dr. Cecilio L. Manarpaac (Lead Accreditor of said areas).
During the meeting, Dr. Manarpaac had conducted an interview with the RET Chairs, asking for their colleges’ accomplishments on research as integrated in their extension activities and projects. The RET Chairs of the colleges reported their completed and on-going projects/activities provided to their partner agencies, underlining their fundamental outcomes. The RET chairs who presented their flagship programs on research and extension were the following:
Dr. Ruth Luciano (CICT) – Technology Transfer
Ms. Camille Binajbaj (CMBT) – Livelihood Program
Mr. Jomar Urbano (COED) – International Partnership and
Patented Device
Ms. Vilma Ramos (PA) – Center for Indigenous People’s
Before the zoom meeting ended, Dr. Manarpaac’s gave his statements signifying that he got convinced of the University’s valuable accomplishments on research and extension, which according to him, are regarded as “BEST PRACTICES”.
Other accreditors staying in the Nieto Hall kept on checking and validating the documents. Area VII with Dr. Anita C. Sornito as the Lead Accreditor visited the library for inspection with Dr. Consuelo J. Estigoy as the team leader. Dr. Maria Glenda O. De Lara who stayed in the Nieto Hall conducted an interview with the task force members and team leaders of Areas II, III, and VI together with Dr. Rhodora R. Jugo, VPAA.
At exactly 4:00 pm, a plaque of recognition was awarded to Dr. Anita C. Sornito by the University President, Dr. Feliciana P. Jacoba, as a sign of gratitude for her perseverance and hard work while performing her job as the lead accreditor for Area VII.
After the awarding, Dr. Estigoy gave a short message or response, while Pres. Jacoba delivered her Pledge of Commitment. Arch. Greg Villaviza served as the emcee of the event.