In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, the importance of collaborative research cannot be overstated. The Research Colloquium on Business Technology, a ground-breaking initiative, was set to unfold through the collaborative efforts of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology’s (NEUST) College of Information and Communication Technology (CICT), College of Management and Business Technology (CMBT), and Institut Teknologi Dan Bisnis Asia Malang (Institut Asia) from Indonesia. This unique event promoted a healthy exchange of ideas and insights among researchers from diverse academic environments. The Research Colloquium covered a broad spectrum of topics related to business technology.
Embarking on a research endeavor with the aim of addressing a specific problem involves systematically investigating relevant factors, gathering empirical evidence, and formulating potential solutions to contribute towards resolving the identified issue from emerging trends in information technology to innovative strategies in business management, participants can expect a comprehensive exploration of modern research. The event aims to facilitate a firm exchange of ideas, methodologies, and best practices that can contribute to the advancement of both academic knowledge and hands-on operation.
Dr. Marilene C. Hipolito, the esteemed Director of the Research Department, delivered an opening address that underscored the importance of ideas, opportunities, and encouragement in driving collaborative research endeavors across academic boundaries.
In an impactful message, Dr. Rachel R. Moralde, the Vice President for Research, Extension, and Training at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST), delivered a message that resonated with researchers and the audience. Dr. Moralde’s inspirational words ignited a sense of purpose among the NEUST community, motivated individuals to actively engage in research endeavors that contribute to the university’s unique standing in the educational realm. Her message emphasized that by embracing research, NEUST not only sets itself apart but also fosters a culture of innovation and collaboration, propelling the institution to new heights of academic distinction and societal impact.
In a symposium packed with enthusiasm, researchers from diverse fields showcased their groundbreaking studies. The CICT department presented “Performance Appraisal of Faculty: A Sentiment Analysis and Visualization Approach” by Mr. Michael E. Bensi, Ms. Leonylyn P. Bensi, Ms. Apple Grace G. Oliveros, and Ms. Emilsa T. Bantug.
Mr. Ronaldin V. Bauat took the stage to discuss “A Simple Data Filter Script to Detect and Prevent SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting in a Data-Driven Web Application Using Linear Search Algorithm,” joined by co-authors Ms. Melgine M. Bauat, Dr. Marlon I. Torres, Mr. Keno C. Piad, and Ms. Criselle J. Centeno, with Ms. Bauat as the presenter.
Addressing challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic, Ms. Melgine M. Bauat presented “The Development and Evaluation of Online Assessment Platforms with Enhanced Cheating Prevention Mechanisms” alongside co-authors Mr. Bauat, Dr. Torres, Dr. Jean N. Guillesper, and Dr. Zuzette B. Catabona.
Mr. Jodell R. Bulaclac explored the “Feasibility of API-Centric SaaS Reaching the Plateau of Productivity,” and Mr. Alvin Gino Bautista discussed “Catfish Farming Practices in Nueva Ecija: Basis for Development Plan.”
Mr. Reynante Blas delved into “Job Performance and Organizational Commitment of Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration Graduates of NEUST,” while Ms. Adriani Kala’Lembang presented “Readiness of SMEs adopting the Internet in Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi.”
Other topics presented were “Rule Extraction in Artificial Neural Network” by Rina Dewi Indahsari, “Stress Level Classification Using Hybrid Feature Selection Based on Machine Learning Algorithm Based on EEG Brain Waves” by Ms. Setyorini, S. Kom, MM, and “Analysis of Customer Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction, Loyalty, and Engagement Index for PPTI Tenant SIER Industrial Estate, Surabaya” by Mr. Hari Kurniawan. The event celebrated a diverse range of research topics, reflecting the dedication and innovation within NEUST’s academic community.