SUMACAB CAMPUS β€” The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) conducts today the Agency Performance Review (APR) for NEUST for Fiscal Year 2024.

Dr. Rhodora R. Jugo, University President, said that one of the key areas the University focuses on is the establishment of a more efficient financial system and process.

β€œAs a growing institution that aims to go global, it is imperative that we optimize our financial management thatentails streamlining procedures, strengthening internal controls, and embracing innovative financial processes to support our academic and administrative functions,” said President Jugo.

β€œA robust financial system will enable us to allocate resources effectively and drive impactful initiatives that will benefit our faculty, staff, students, stakeholders, and the broader community,” the President added.

The year-end performance review aims to enhance accountability and evidence-based decision-making in budget allocation while advancing results-oriented Public Expenditure Management (PEM).

APR also seeks to strengthen the integration of planning and budgeting by aligning NEUST performance with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) and the Medium-Term Expenditure Program (MTEP).

Additionally, it provides a collaborative platform to address performance challenges and recognizes high-performing agencies, promoting the adoption of best practices in PEM across the government.

The year-end performance review is attended by NEUST key officials as well as DBM Regional Office III including Adoracion Mangalino, Chief Budget and Management Specialist; Ariel Dayrit, Supervising Budget and Management Specialist; and Maria Luningning Pangilinan, Senior Budget Management Specialist.