NEUST strengthens quality assurance efforts through ASPIRE Seminar-Workshop on AUN-QA Accreditation

The Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST), through its Quality Assurance Office, conducted a Seminar-Workshop on Achieving Sustainability, Performance, and International Recognition in Education (ASPIRE) with an Echo Session on the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Programme Assessment Process, Framework, and Criteria on February 26-28, 2025, at the Mini Convention Center, NEUST Sumacab Campus.

The ASPIRE seminar-workshop aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of AUN-QA criteria, guide participants in preparing for the AUN-QA Programme Assessment, identify gaps in their respective programs, and facilitate self-assessment based on AUN-QA standards.

NEUST President Dr. Rhodora Jugo emphasized the university’s commitment to continuous quality improvement. “Quality is a continuous journey, and we will not stop once we reach a particular destination,” she stated.

She further encouraged participants to uphold excellence: “I urge you to reaffirm your dedication to quality, not just as an obligation but as a passion and purpose.”

The event was facilitated by Dr. Kim Edward Santos, the University Focal Person for AUN-QA, and attended by representatives from colleges with Level IV program accreditation, including the College of Nursing (CON), the College of Management and Business Technology (CMBT), and the College of Information and Communications Technology (CICT), which are preparing for the AUN-QA Programme Assessment.

Among the attendees were Dr. Sarah Alvarez, Dean of CMBT; Dr. Zuzette Catabona, Dean of CON; Dr. Nancy Joy Mangansat, Director of Curriculum Development and Evaluation; and Dr. Consuelo Estigoy, University Librarian.

Following the seminar-workshop, participants will engage in local and international benchmarking activities and training. By July 2025, the four programs will formally apply for the AUN-QA Programme Assessment, utilizing insights and outputs from the seminar as part of their preparation.

This initiative lays the groundwork for NEUST’s ongoing efforts to prepare for the AUN-QA Programme Assessment, reinforcing a culture of continuous quality improvement, strengthening academic programs and institutional processes, and positioning the university for regional and global recognition in higher education.

NEUST remains committed to global excellence in education. Adhering to AUN-QA standards ensures that the university’s academic programs meet regional quality benchmarks, enhance institutional reputation, facilitate international collaborations, and align graduates with ASEAN-wide professional and educational standards.

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