As part of its 27th Charter Celebration and 117th Founding Anniversary, NEUST launched the Administration and Faculty Sports Fest (ADFA) today, March 24, 2025, at the University Closed Gym, Sumacab Campus.

The event began with a Zumba session joined by faculty and staff from various campuses, followed by the Mr. and Ms. ADFA 2025, where Rick Jay Carlo Reyes and Licel Galang of the Non-Teaching Personnel Association, Inc. (NTPAI) were crowned as this year’s winners.

The program proceeded with a ceremonial toss and a solidarity luncheon attended by team captains, campus and college presidents, and Faculty and Staff Union (FSU) officers.

In his message, President Emeritus Atty. Hilario C. Ortiz, PhD, highlighted the university’s progress from a trade school to a state university and encouraged everyone to continue striving for excellence to make NEUST a recognized center of academic distinction both locally and globally.

The festivities continued with basketball and volleyball matches, which will run until tomorrow, March 25, 2025.
